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    Cells and Battery testing services

    The batteries and cells testing laboratory at Nemko India is capable of doing safety as well as performance testing on cells and batteries as per relevant national/international standards.

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    Developing batteries of the highest qualities confirming to relevant standards, that are also safe & reliable is a complicated challenge in today’s emerging market. With the development of AI technologies, cells, and batteries safety testing is becoming more & more critical as everything is being automated. Nemko India is well equipped with the latest technologies to test cells, modules, or battery packs for performance, endurance & safety. We test the cells and batteries according to relevant international & national standards. 

    Battery and battery cell testing

    Developing safe and reliable high-quality batteries that conform to relevant standards with automated production can be challenging, which is why safety testing is increasingly important. Nemko is well-equipped with the latest technologies to test cells, modules and battery packs for performance, endurance and safety. We test cells and batteries according to relevant international and national standards. We support CB certification of batteries according to the standard IEC 62133. Nemko India is recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) (OSL– 8138426) for testing of your Nickel systems cells & batteries and Lithium system cells & batteries in accordance to IS 16046-1:2018 and IS 16046-2:2018 respectively. Test reports issued by our laboratory can be used to gain the BIS registration of your product. 


    What kind of battery testing facilities does Nemko have?

    Our test facilities include (not a complete list, contact us for more details):

    • Lithium-ion cells and batteries
    • Nickel systems cells & batteries
    • Nickel-cadmium cells and batteries
    • Nickel-metal hydride cells and batteries
    • Household and commercial batteries

    We support you in simplifying the process, reducing administrative and project management costs and accelerating access to global markets.


    Why choose Nemko for battery testing?

    We can provide a single point of contact for all your battery testing services certification and market access needs. This also includes report writing and follow-up factory inspection services. Our personnel are highly skilled with strong technical competence. We are proud of our customer focus and fast turnaround times. For more information about how Nemko can help your organization with batteries and cells testing, contact us.


    Battery charger testing

    We provide certification to national standards, such as US Department of Energy requirements and Canada’s Energy Efficiency Verification (EEV) for battery chargers, covering most end-products and systems that incorporate a battery charger. Nemko accepts test reports from approved laboratories and reviews required documents to make an informed decision whether the product can be certified within our energy efficiency verification certification programme. Once processing is complete, Nemko will issue a Certificate of Compliance and authorize the affixation of our certification mark to the product and/or packaging. The testing methods and compliance criteria are harmonized, meaning that one set of test results can be used for the US and Canada. The certification remains active as long as the certification file is maintained.


    Battery testing in India

    Nemko India is recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) (OSL– 8138426) for testing of your nickel systems cells and batteries and lithium system cells and batteries in accordance to IS 16046-1:2018 and IS 16046-2:2018 respectively. Test reports issued by our laboratory can be used to gain the BIS registration of your product.

    Get started by scheduling a 10 min call with us!

    For more information about how Nemko can help your organization with batteries and cells testing, contact us or mail us at or give us a call at +91-9205690574 . 

    Why Choose Nemko ?

    Nemko’s battery testing laboratories provide safety and performance testing on cells and batteries to relevant national and international standards.

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