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    15 minutes – Product cybersecurity in Europe

    On-demand webinar

    See our short and to-the-point overview of the coming European requirements and how you, as a manufacturer or importer, can address them.
    If you are tired of long webinars in which the presenters are more focused on themselves and what they know than on what you need to know, then this is the presentation for you!
     In this webinar, we cover:

    • EU regulations
      • Cyber Security Act
        • Is it important for you? Probably not!
      • Cyber Resilience Act
        • It will be important. Put it in your plans for next year!
      • Cyber in RED
        • No wireless – no problem. If your product is wireless – you’re probably late!
    • Standards
      • In short – which to use?

    • Notified Body
      • Important for you? Probably!

    • Practicalities 
      • When to start
      • How to start
      • Who to involve
      • What you can do yourselves (including online self-assessment tools)
    • Q&A
      • For questions which were not covered during the 15 minutes.
      • Are my products in the scope? Do I need a Notified Body? What if I have the same solution in all my products?
      • We will have a team to answer your questions (and please feel free to ask up front to ensure they are answered!). 

    We do not discuss the number of IoTs in 2035 or the global cost of cybercrime. We do also not spend five minutes presenting ourselves, our 90-year history, or the committees we serve. 

    This webinar is for you, not us!


    Webinar hosts


    Geir Hørthe - Head of Nemko cyber security department
    Geir Hørthe is responsible for the Nemko cyber security initiative. He has worked at Nemko for more than 30 years in the capacity of test services, lab manager of safety, ATEX and medical departments. He has also been Managing Director at the Nemko office in London for two years. After he returned to Norway, he held for many years the position of Certification Manager at Nemko HQ with responsibilities for electrical product certifications for national and international certification.



    Daniel Breive Havre - Cybersecurity Evaluator
    Daniel Breive Havre works as Cybersecurity Evaluator with Nemko. He is qualified as evaluator for the Cyber Common Criteria scheme. Daniel Breive Havre holds a master's degree from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). 


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