Update on certification of telecom equipment in India

Since 2019, every telecom equipment manufactured or imported to be sold in India for connection to the telecommunication network, must undergo prior mandatory testing and certification. The program, denoted MTCTE (Mandatory Testing & Certification of Telecom Equipment), covers from the beginning 55 types of telecom products and associated variants.

The certificates are issued by the governmental Telecommunications Engineering Center, TEC (a part of Department of Telecommunication), based on testing at designated testing laboratories in India.

The much-awaited notification of Phases III & IV under MTCTE has now been released, which covers both EMC, Product Safety, RF & Performance parts and are denoted
Essential Requirements (ER).


The Phase III shall not be enforced before 1 July next year, but applications are already accepted from 11 October this year.


Products covered under Phase III includes, amongst other, Equipment for cellular networks and Equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz & 5GHz bands, CCTV cameras, Smart watches, Smart electricity meters, Tracking devices, IoT gateway and End point devices for environmental monitoring.


Phase IV covers a total of 36 various types of telecom/radio products. For EMI/EMC and electrical safety, certification is mandatory already from 1 February next year while applications are also in this case accepted from 11 October this year.


For the other ER parameters, certification will be mandatory from 1 July next year with applications accepted from 1 January.


TEC has at the same time announced that test reports from ILAC accredited labs (anywhere) are for Phase I and Phase II extended to 30 November this year, and for Phase III extended to 30 June next year.


For further information or assistance with testing for Indian certification, please contact Sanjay.Khemnar@nemko.com or Harsh.Rastogi@nemko.com  


* This article is written by Trond Sollie


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