Nemko News in Brief for Sept 2022
Dear Reader, Summertime has passed, and autumn leaves in yellow and red have started to show, at least here in Northern Europe.
Trond SollieEditor- News in Brief
Breaking News from Saudi Arabia- Expanded scope of Saudi Notification for products imported from Asia and AustraliaThe scope of the official Notification (recognition) of Nemko by the Saudi authorities for certification of imported products has now been expanded to include 15 new Saudi Technical Regulations for products imported from countries/regions in Asia and Australia. |
Revised regulation for WiFi frequency bands in JapanThe Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications (MIC) in Japan did on 2 September publish the “Ministerial Ordinance Partially Revising the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Radio Law (2020 MIC Ordinance No. 59)” which is revising the system introducing the 6 GHz Band (5925-6425 MHz) for WLAN and the 5.2 GHz band for WLAN in vehicles.
New European standard for safety of lasers in consumer products‘Laser’ is an acronym for ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’ and is associated with optical radiation hazards. Lasers have many applications, including certain functions in electrical consumer equipment such as IT & AV equipment and household appliances. |
Ready for testing and assessment of functional safety‘Functional Safety’ is a characteristic of function-related safety elements that must considered for the whole life cycle of e.g. electrical equipment, machines and systems.
Preparing for eco-design and energy labelling of phones and tabletsSome150 million mobile phones and 25 million tablets were during 2020 registered sold in Europe, while almost 700 million units were kept at home in hibernation. So there is a huge eco-design potential of proper reuse, green mining and proper disposal of the hazardous substances involved.
Nemko Korea moved to a new location Nemko Korea has during September moved to a new location, which is still in the Yong-in area, about 40 km from Seoul. |
Featured Events
1 November - Nemko Norway webinar: For information and registration, please contact |
IEC Academy courses and webinars Information may be seen here
GSO courses in the Arabic Gulf Region Information about themes, places and times may be seen here |
Receive invitations to Nemko webinars on current compliance matters The webinars will be conducted in English, and one will be able to access the recordings afterwards, for own use and sharing with others. Please register here |
Hopefully, you are finding these topics to be of interest.
Best regards,
Trond Sollie
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