Ingvild Myhre, (f.1961)
Styreleder, Partner i Rådgiverne LOS AS
Ingvild Myhre, (f.1961)
Styreleder, Partner i Rådgiverne LOS AS
Arne Jorde, (f.1965)
Nestleder, CEO i Erichsen & Horgen AS
Arne Jorde, (f.1965)
Nestleder, CEO i Erichsen & Horgen AS
Ove Guttormsen, (f.1961)
Styremedlem, CEO i Norsk Teknologi & NELFO
Ove Guttormsen, (f.1961)
Styremedlem, CEO i Norsk Teknologi & NELFO
Siv Hege Solheim, (f.1974)
Styremedlem, Senior Vice President Controlling & Accounting, Veidekke ASA
Siv Hege Solheim, (f.1974)
Styremedlem, Senior Vice President Controlling & Accounting, Veidekke ASA
Morten Rosenlund, (f.1991)
Styremedlem, ansattvalgt representant, Project Engineer Safety Lab, Nemko Scandinavia AS
Morten Rosenlund, (f.1991)
Styremedlem, ansattvalgt representant, Project Engineer Safety Lab, Nemko Scandinavia AS
Grethe has over 30 years of experience in sales and customer service across a number of industries. From widely different areas such as the clothing industry, kitchenware, flowers, the construction machinery sector and since 2017 in the sales department at Nemko.
This background gives Grethe a comprehensive understanding of various customer and product segments in relation to solving a wide range of customer problems and understanding the customers' needs.
Grete Aspelund, (f.1971)
Styremedlem, Head of Business Area NCC Industry Nordic AB