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Nemko’s N-mark – your choice for Europe!
Nemko’s own certification mark
The N mark is Nemko's own certification mark was established in 1933 as a mandatory mark for electrical products marketed in Norway. Since 1991, it is offered as a voluntary mark and has gained worldwide recognition as a sign of compliance with relevant safety and EMC standards, especially within the IT and office equipment area.
Why N mark

- Covers European requirements for electrical safety and EMC
- You will be informed up front when standards change
- Nemko will store your certificates & reports available for you online
- The N mark has high recognition in business
- Based on International standards and perfect as add-on to e.g. CB certificates
Relevant parts of the activity are accredited according to the international ISO/IEC Guide 65 by Norwegian Accreditation (a member of the European Accreditation Cooperation, EA, and the International Accreditation Forum, IAF).