Michael Anthony
Field Evaluation Engineer
Define your role within Nemko.
I'm a field evaluation engineer. I'm assigned to projects typically within the greater Southern California area but sometimes further away. I perform evaluations on electrical equipment that otherwise does not have a listing. I apply UL or other standards that determine whether it is in compliance. I share that with the customer, and they then make modifications, if necessary. Sometimes, but rarely, it's compliant just the way it is. When I do a successful field evaluation, I apply a field label to the equipment and write a report describing what I’ve done. That is a field evaluation in a nutshell.
How did you choose this career path?
I had 25 years in the air conditioning industry as an engineer, and we would use companies like UL, CSA, and Intertek for listings on our equipment, so I was familiar with equipment listings. Still, I was not familiar with field evaluations. A few years after leaving the air conditioning company, I got a call from an ex-coworker with an opportunity for me, and one thing led to another, and it’s been a good fit.
What do you enjoy most about your job at Nemko?
For the most part, you're kind of your own boss. There's a lot of freedom in what you do, and I think I'm motivated enough to be self-directed, so it works out well. I’m out in the field when I go on jobs, and the variety keeps it interesting.
Are there any challenges that you’ve faced during your career that have taught you important lessons?
Yes, all the time. You're constantly questioning whether you're up for whatever projects come up. Some projects are more difficult than others, and sometimes the difficult ones offer challenges where there are opportunities for you to learn. You usually walk away from those challenging ones with greater knowledge.
What do you think the industry will look like in 20 years?
I think it will grow a lot for the extended time being. Twenty years is a long time, so anything could happen, but there's an awful lot of equipment that gets brought into this country that doesn't carry a listing, and even the equipment that's built here doesn't always carry a listing. Companies must weigh the cost of sending equipment to laboratories to get a listing versus occasionally doing a field evaluation, which is less costly and very specific to the focus on their customers. I think it's going to really take off for several years and possibly level out, but I don't see it as a declining industry at all.
What do you find most rewarding about your role?
I work with a great group of people, so it's rewarding to go on a successful project and submit a report knowing I have satisfied the customers’ expectations. Those on the FE team work well together, and that's cool.
What are some market trends you’re keeping an eye on?
There's an awful lot of work with solar panels being installed on so many buildings. That has increased a market for us where acceptance requires an evaluation of the switch gear that is modified to accept the line taps for the solar equipment. At this point, there's no end in sight, although, at some point, it'll probably become saturated. Right now, it's kind of going crazy, especially here in California, where there are a lot of sunny days. That's one of the big market things that we're watching and expanding on. We have recently begun offering sanitation inspections for the food industry. That has opened another revenue stream for the Field Evaluation team, which contributes to the Nemko bottom line.
When not working, how do you spend your spare time?
I play guitar, and I play golf, and that's about it because I’m obsessed with both. I occasionally run into a situation where I can play guitar with a group, but I do it mostly for self-satisfaction and improvement. Golf is a social game, so that's a lot of fun when I do it with friends and family.