Lori Clark
Project Manager
Define your role within Nemko.
For almost 10 years now, I have been a Project Manager for our existing clientele and, of course, always trying to increase our sales! I also attend audits to gain knowledge and build a stronger working foundation with our clients. I also work on marketing for our team to increase awareness through informational Webinars, LinkedIn/Alignable posts, and attending Trade Shows.
How did you choose this career path?
It wasn't something that I actively sought out. I have worked in retail management as well as an executive assistant for a traffic engineering firm in the past. I have known Gabriele Howard for a number of years now. As a detail-oriented person who enjoys working with clients, she knew I would be a good candidate for the job. There is never a day when I am not on my toes at work.
What do you enjoy most about your job at Nemko?
My favorite part of my job is the constant interaction I have with our clients. Providing the best possible customer service to our clients is one of the things I value most about my job.
Are there any challenges that you’ve faced during your career that have taught you important lessons?
The most valuable lesson that I have learned is not to be “status quo.” This is an ever-changing industry, and we are constantly learning and changing to the evolving regulations and requirements and ensuring that our customers are also aware and updated.
What do you think the industry will look like in 20 years?
In our industry, it is hard to say, but I think more technical as the requirements for our field are getting stricter.
What are some market trends you’re keeping an eye on?
The regulations keep changing to ensure safety, so we are always learning. The FDA will be adopting ISO 13485, which will be a significant benefit to us as that allows us to capture more clients.
When not working, how do you spend your spare time?
I have always had a love for art (I was an art major in school), so painting with new techniques has been challenging and rewarding. I have also recently taken up golf, which is appropriate since I grew up on a golf course, and now live on one. It’s a mental game and fun, and it keeps me humble as every time you play, it is different! I also have taken up gardening, which I have enjoyed planting a seed and watching it grow – much like what we do daily at work at Nemko!
What does the average day in the life look like for you?
Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up! Project Management and Sales require you to keep up with your clients, potential clients, and colleagues. We are all busy multitasking, and keeping people focused on the task at hand is critical.
What is your favorite song, show, or book at the moment?
As an old soul, I stick to older music that moves me or shows that make me happy. As well, I can’t wait for the new season of Yellowstone!