Chris Caserta
Senior Engineer with a focus on machinery
Define your role within Nemko.
I am a Senior Engineer with a focus on machinery, that scope goes anywhere from field evaluations, CE marking, semi evaluations, risk assessment, and training with customers.
How did you choose this career path?
I used to work under a government contract company out of Massachusetts, which dealt with the RF of government helicopters, and missiles. I was a technician when Chris Swanson brought me in to supervise the lab, so I spent three years in the lab getting to know everything and was able to find my niche in machinery. Then I just expanded from there and worked my way up to senior engineer. I’ve been in this industry for about 30 years now.
What do you enjoy most about your job at Nemko?
The independence, you don’t need structure to work well, and I can stand strong on my own. I’m fortunate that I can sort of do my own thing. It’s not like I must get up every morning at eight and clock in and clock out; it’s not like that. Sometimes I’ll work through the middle of the night or fly overnight, whatever schedule I need it to be.
Are there any challenges that you’ve faced during your career that have taught you important lessons?
You think you know everything when you are five years in, but no you are always learning. Even true to today, last week, I walked into a shop and worked on a flight simulator, and there is more to learn. Our customers are creating state-of-the-art equipment, and it’s our job to learn from them as they learn from us.
What do you think the industry will look like in 20 years?
The machinery directive has always been a very stable type of directive for Europe, and even in the US, the standards haven’t really changed a whole lot. Of course, they change with the equipment and new types of devices that we work on. Electric vehicles are becoming a new thing, but it still goes back to the machines that make them, panels, and parts. Machinery is a very stable industry, so I don’t know if there will be significant changes, but there will be noted changes.
What do you find most rewarding about your role?
I am constantly learning from the customers and being able to teach them and show them new things. They are the ones making the latest technology and devices, so I am always learning something new, as well as being able to help and show them my expertise with the machinery. With Nemko, I think the Field Evaluation group is starting to grow and really has so much potential. My colleagues in the Field Evaluation group have a lot to share.
What are some market trends you’re keeping an eye on?
Cybersecurity has me concerned because I know now it’s going to be mandatory in a couple of years, and I don’t know how that will affect machinery. So, I can see that having an impact on our customers, which will impact the products we look at. It’s intriguing, and how will it change and how it will affect them, I don’t have an answer right now.
When not working, how do you spend your spare time?
I love spending time with my family and my new grandson. I enjoy going on Harley rides with my son. My wife and I like to get away a little bit and so we take weekend trips to Amelia Island.