
"Certification for Cybersecurity-IoT Products"

With the Internet increasingly serving as the core infrastructure for the global economy, the need for unified cyber security strategies are pressing. Value chains are highly integrated, not least with respect to data. This leaves companies and organizations vulnerable to attacks. The focus on and knowledge of cyber security differs very much between manufacturers, but the vast majority do not meet the cyber security standards of today. These standards are not mandatory everywhere today, but standards will be required in most markets within the lifetime of products being designed now. Effective and robust cyber security requires an information security management system built on three pillars: people, processes, and technology.

Why Certify for Cyber Security?

Companies need to certify for cyber security for the exact same reasons they need certification for other areas, such as electrical safety. Certifications make it possible to: 

  • simplify trade by having a common set of requirements.
  • demonstrate security to customers.
  • give both consumers and businesses a common understanding of a defined level of cyber security.
  • ensure compliance to national / international regulations.