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    August 15, 2022

    Simplified UKCA Marking Updates for Business Adoption

    The Government of the United Kingdom has announced five updates on UKCA marking which will make adoption of UKCA marking simpler for businesses.

    Read more: E-book - The complete guide to UKCA marking

    1. Importer Information

    For European Economic Area (EEA) countries – and in some cases Switzerland – businesses will be allowed to include importer information on an accompanying document or label until December 31, 2027. This will allow businesses to adjust their product design to accommodate marking changes conveniently and cost-effectively.

    For non-EEA countries, the information shall still need to be placed on the equipment, starting January 1, 2025, unless not possible due to the size or nature of the equipment, in which case the information can be provided in accompanying documentation and packaging instead of on the equipment.

    Blog 2_Europe map image_2022

    2. Labelling measures extended

    The UK government will introduce legislation so that the UKCA marking can be placed on a label affixed to the product using a sticky label or on a document accompanying the product until December 31, 2027. After this date, the UKCA mark would need to be applied directly to the product only where practical.

    Read more: 5 common questions on UKCA marking

    3. Re-testing costs reduced

    UK Government is easing re-testing requirements for UKCA. This means that:

    • conformity assessment activities undertaken by Notified Bodies for CE marking completed by December 31, 2024 can be used by manufacturers as the basis for UKCA marking next year
    • testing is valid until the expiry of their certificate or for 5 years (December 31, 2027), whichever is sooner.
    • there is no need to re-test or certify existing stock imported into the UK before the end of 2024, as these products will be considered already placed on the market in Great Britain and will not need to meet UKCA requirements.

    These measures will reduce duplication and costs for businesses and by extension, consumers.

    4. Spare parts continue to be accepted

    The UK will continue to accept spare parts placed on the market provided they comply with the same requirements that were in place at the time the original product or system was placed on the Great Britain market. These changes do not apply to medical devices, construction products, transportable pressure equipment, cableways, unmanned aircraft systems, rail products, and marine equipment

    This will allow products and goods requiring spare parts to continue to be maintained.

    5. Recognizing historic testing on some construction products

    Manufacturers of construction products under Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) system 3, such as radiators, sealants and tile adhesives, whose products are tested by an EU notified body before January 1, 2025 will be able to obtain a UKCA mark without having to retest through a UK-approved body.

    On-demand webinar: UKCA marking – the full overview

    Start preparing for UKCA marking to become mandatory by January 1, 2025 by watching this 30 minute on-demand webinar on UKCA marking.


    For more information on UKCA marking, please have a look at our dedicated page for UKCA marking or reach out to us directly with any specific questions.


    Tags: UKCA

    Vina Kerai

    Vina is located in Nemko’s US office and she is responsible for Nemko’s Telecommunications Certification Body programs. Vina has a proven track record of successfully implementing and managing certification programs with over 18 years of experience from R&D/engineering, compliance testing and certification to...

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