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Permanent US Ban on Approval of Certain Chinese Equipment: What You Need to Know

Written by Nemko | March 1, 2023

The issue of this newsletter for January included an article about the Report and Order 22-84 as released by the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) with an “Interim Freeze Order”, to prevent certain named major Chinese entities (or their subsidiaries or affiliates) from getting approval of their telecommunications and/or video surveillance equipment for marketing in USA.

The given rationale is to protect the US networks and supply chains from equipment that poses an unacceptable risk to national security or the safety of US persons and prohibit equipment produced by entities identified on the Commission’s Covered List, which is periodically updated.


FCC did also publish guidance on how the new covered equipment rules advised in FCC 22-84 affect the equipment authorization process and provides answers to key questions pertaining to the new rules.


On 6 February, the final rules were published in the Federal Register and thereby made effective. The new rules imply permanent prohibition for recognized telecom certification bodies (TCBs) like Nemko to process applications for and grant approvals to entities listed on the Covered List.

The Order includes significant changes to the exhibit requirements for applicants seeking FCC authorization for their equipment and requires the following two new attestation statements to be provided:


                                -FCC Covered Equipment Certification Attestation Letter.
-FCC U.S. Agent Designation Attestation.


For further information, please contact

(Article is based on text provided by Vina Kerai edited by T.Sollie)