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    August 31, 2021

    UK Postpones Mandatory UKCA Marking Requirement until 2023

    The UK Government recently confirmed that mandatory UKCA marking is postponed until 1 January 2023. Thereby, businesses will have an extra year to start using the UKCA-conformity marking, i.e. their ‘version’ of European CE-marking after Brexit. One is, however, encouraged to be ready for full implementation of the new UK regime as soon as possible.

    To allow businesses time to adjust, CE-marked products in scope of this guidance that meet EU requirements (where these match UK requirements) can continue to be placed on the UK market until 1 January 2023 where EU and UK requirements remain the same. This includes products which have been assessed and accepted by a designated European Notified Body.

    Apparently, the extended timeline is much due to current lack of capacity for handling the various effects of this change, not least to enable the retesting of decades worth of CE-marked items for the new UKCA specification. So, the postponement shall provide time for necessary capacity to be built and for retesting to take place.

    After 1 January 2023, the UKCA marking must be used for placing safety regulated products on the UK market. In the meantime, however, manufacturers/exporter exporting to the UK must still ensure to comply with the new importer responsibilities; amongst other, regarding an authorized UK based representative and associated legal responsibilities. Guidance about these matters may be found at and via this website, and all the relevant product safety regulations can be seen here.

    As reported in the March issue of this newsletter, in addition to being a long standing ‘EU Notified Body’, Nemko is already appointed ‘UK Approved Body’ for certification of radio equipment.

    For further information about this, please contact

    * This blog is edited by Trond Sollie



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