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    May 1, 2022

    New Taiwanese Electronics Standards and Cyber Security Seminar Highlights

    - New national standards for electronics . 


    The Taiwanese authority BSMI has announced implementation of the following new safety- and EMC standards for ITC equipment and home electronics.

    Standard for electrical safety:
                       CNS15598-1: 2020 (Equivalent to the international standard IEC62368-1:2018)

    Standard for EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility):

    CNS15936: 2016 (Equivalent to the international standard CISPR32:2015)

    For more information, please contact 

    TW-Cybersecurity-event - Successful physical cyber security customer seminar in Taiwan

    Based on noted local demands, Nemko Taiwan did on 19 April arrange its second customer seminar about cyber security this year, now physically in Taipei together with the local branch of Deloitte, which amongst other offers testing services in this area.

    The theme of the seminar was updating on the regulatory situation concerning cyber security in different regions/countries and on applicable standards and certification schemes.
    Much attention was given to the standard ETSI 303 645 for consumer IoT and activation of Sub-clauses 3.3 d-f in the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED
    ), which will add cyber security requirements to the CE-marking.

    Attention was also given to the US federal NIST cyber requirements, the mandatory regulations for the states California and Oregon as well as the relevant requirements in China, Singapore, Korea, and Japan.


    Amongst the participants were representatives of Dell, HP, Wistron, D-Link and other Netcom manufacturers in Taiwan.


    Deloitte gave an update about cyber requirements for various industries, including the IEC 62443 standard series, SEMI E 187 for semi-conductors, ISO 21434 for automotive, IEC 62351 for power automation and the ISO/IEC 27000 management system for information security.
    In addition, the relevant services offered by both Nemko and Deloitte were duly covered.
    The participants’ feed-back on this seminar was very positive.

    For further information, please contact


    (Article is based on text provided by Danny Lu, edited by T.Sollie)




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