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    June 1, 2022

    Successful Nemko PTI Customer Seminar: A Regulatory Compliance Insight

    Nemko PTI* in Round Rock, Texas, USA has conducted its first local customer seminar. For two days, critical training was provided on regulations impacting various manufacturers marketing their products in the US and abroad. Other than Nemko experts giving presentations,
    keynote lectures were given by representatives from Dell Technologies and Biotex Medical. They were able to provide regulatory compliance insight from the manufacturer's side.

    The presentations covered various topics, ranging from International Approval updates to an introduction to safety of explosion protection equipment, and to an update on the new cyber security requirements. The seminar was concluded by a ‘roundtable’ discussion, which opened the floor to the attendees to ask questions. Multiple experts in one room provided a valuable opportunity for the participants.

    The customer seminar in Round Rock went very well,” commented Jeff Lenk, Site Manager for Nemko PTI. “We couldn’t have asked for a better turnout for our first event here in Round Rock, and the feedback we received from the attendees was very positive and constructive."


    *) Nemko did late last year acquire PTI (Professional Testing Inc.) in Texas, USA: The company is head-quartered in Round Rock (just North of Austin) where their laboratories for product safety, reliability and hazloc/explosive atmosphere are located, and has in addition laboratories in Austin where their EMC testing facilities are located.


    The details of Nemko PTI’s capabilities can be seen here

    For more information about this seminar and/or about Nemko PTI and their offered services please contact or


     (Article is based on text provided by Andrew Robbins, edited by T.Sollie)



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