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    July 1, 2022

    Insights from Successful Cyber Security Webinars in Korea and Norway

    Nemko Korea has successfully completed its first customer webinar related to cyber security.

    Over 40 customers attended, representing various product areas and business fields within different large Koreas companies, including
    Samsung, LG and HTC.

    The main topics covered were:

    • The challenges for IoT products,
    • IoT cyber security,
    • Regulatory status,
    • Cyber security evaluation,
    • The standard ETSI 303 645 for IoT cyber security,
    • Implications of the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

     It was also discussed how to prepare before August 2024 when cyber security becomes mandatory within Europe. and which services Nemko offers in this regard.

    Much of the same topics were covered in an open webinar given by Nemko Norway on 1 June, for which about 150 interested people registered. In this case, however, the title theme was Global trends of cyber security.
    Full recording of this webinar is available from this link. In addition, a transcription of the associated Question & Answer session is available from this link.

    For further information, please contact (in Korea) or (in Norway)

    (Article is based on text provided by Seungyeun Song, edited by T.Sollie)

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