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    March 1, 2022

    Upcoming Cyber Security Webinars: Stay Ahead of Mandatory CE-Marking Changes

    On 15 February, nearly 300 persons took part in a webinar arranged by Nemko Norway about Cyber Security in CE-marking.

    The background for this is that the European Commission has implemented the cyber security articles in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), which means that cyber security will become a mandatory requirement for CE-marking of radio equipment, i.e. electrical/electronic products with wireless communication features.  

    The webinar objective was to make manufacturers and others involved in marketing of such products aware about the upcoming changes and what preparations should be made now. 

    A video recording of the webinar is available here, and a transcript of the subsequent Q&A session (which contains some 30 questions and answers)  is available here.

    The risks posed by cyberattacks launched by those with malicious intent can range anywhere from the disruption of critical infrastructure operations, the release of sensitive personal and confidential information, and even into the manipulation and outright theft of financial assets. Today, no one is safe from a potential cyber catastrophe.

    As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, connecting more and more of our world through communication devices, the cyber security threat is growing.

    Therefore both regulators and industry must be active to stem this growing threat by both updating regulations (as in the RED) and developing relevant technical standards.

    One available standard is the ETSI/EN 303 645 - Cyber security for consumer Internet of Things, which was developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and published in June 2020.

    Nemko Norway is now planning for another webinar to be on 22 March, in which one will review the contents of this standard and the technical requirements involved.

    For further information, on how to prepare for the RED update please contact

    (Article is based on the text provided by Geir Horthe, edited by T.Sollie)




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