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    December 1, 2023

    Status on New Vietnamese Safety Requirements for ITC Equipment


    Vietnam’s Ministry of Information & Communications

    The Vietnam Ministry for Information & Communication (MIC) did in May this year publish the Circular 04/2023/TT-BTTTT, with effect from 15 July. It includes the list of IT- and communication equipment that from 1 January 2024 must comply with the new national regulation/standard QCVN 132:2022/BTTTT on electrical safety for telecommunications and information technology terminal equipment, such as desktop PCs, notebooks/laptops, and tablets, TV decoders, TV receivers, cable TV amplifiers and cordless phones.

    The QCVN 132 is based on but is modified from the international standard IEC 62368-1:2018, including the main requirements for electrical safety and some requirements for physical safety (durability) such as impact testing and free fall testing. It replaces the former standard QCVN 22:2010/BTTTT.

    Documentation to show compliance can be either by test reports from a MIC-designated laboratory within Vietnam or by test reports from a MIC-designated laboratory in a country having a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with Vietnam. 
    To date, Nemko USA in San Diego remains the only designated laboratory to issue test reports according to QCVN 132: 2022/BTTTT, based on the accreditation as required per the MRA between the US and Vietnam.


    The MIC Circular in full is available at this link.


    Recently, however, a Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT, MIC announced the temporary suspension of the application of some of the requirements announced in Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT, as follows:

    • The technical QCVN standards for 5G terminal devices, 5G phones, 5G base stations; until December 31, 2023.
    • Enforcement of the QCVN standards’ emission requirements to equipment for maritime use; until June 30, 2024.
    • Enforcement of the QCVN standards’ requirements for partial testing under extreme conditions for 2G/3G/4G terminals and phones, RFID at 13.56 MHz, etc., until June 30, 2024

    The suspension is due to a lack of local lab test capabilities and so far, no foreign testing labs have been recognized under the MRA program for those tests.


    A blog with more complete information is available here.


    For further information and/or application for testing to the new Vietnamese standard, please contact or


    (The article is based on the info provided by Vanessa Wen and edited by T.Sollie)

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