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    July 1, 2023

    Cyber Security Update: EU Postpones RED Directive on Cybersecurity


    EU Cyber securityOn 20 July, the EU Commission adopted the Delegated Regulation (C(2023)4823) which 
    postpones the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Delegated Regulation on cybersecurity 
    etc until 1 August 2025
    These requirements were originally planned applicable from 1 August 2024. The 12-month extension gives manufacturers time to fully understand the new standards, implement them, and prepare their compliance programs, which will also benefit the consumers.

    The development of harmonized standards to support the essential requirements in Article 3.3 of the RED is in process and is expected to be published by June 2024. The delay also gives the European Standardization Organizations more time for completion of the relevant harmonized standards.

    The Delegated Regulation (which may be seen in full here) shall be accepted by the EU Parliament and Council before it is published in EU’s Official Journal.
    For more information about this matter, the blog available here is recommended.

    Furthermore, to keep up with cyber security requirements for products in various countries, Nemko offers free help by short one-to-one video meetings, which be booked at this page.

    (Article is based on the info provided by Vina Kerai and input from Geir Hørthe; edited by T.Sollie)

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