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    September 2, 2024

    Recognized for certification of HazLoc equipment


    NRTL and Hazloc

    HazLoc equipment’ is the term used in North America for equipment to be used in hazardous locations, and which in Europe and other parts of the world is generally denoted ‘Ex-equipment’, i.e. equipment for use in explosive atmospheres.
    In industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, mining, and grain handling, there are flammable gases, vapors, dust, or fibers with the potential for an explosion. Electrical devices, such as switches, motors, and relays, but also some mechanical equipment can
    produce sparks during normal operation causing an explosion.

    Testing and certification of such equipment according to applicable standards that meet governing national/regional regulations is crucial and therefore generally mandatory in countries worldwide for market access, sale and installation of the equipment.

    In North America, Nemko is for many years an NRTL, i.e. a testing & certification body recognized by OSHA in the US and thereby also by SCC in Canada. The scope has included various types of regular electrical and electronic equipment typically for use in homes and offices and in medical context.
    Now, the scope has been extended to include HazLoc equipment, which is shown accordingly in the OSHA Federal Register as may be seen here.
    The extension includes some 20 UL standards for the USA and the equivalent CSA standards for Canada.

    Internationally, Nemko was one of the founding bodies of the IECEx System and was in Europe one of the early recognized Notified Bodies under the ATEX Directive.
    Due to the merging of a subsidiary some years ago, these roles were then transferred by Nemko, but after being now recognized in North America for certification of such equipment, Nemko is resuming the former role in the IECEx in combination with the role as ATEX Notified Body with Id.No.0470.

    For further information, please contact or

    (Article is based on the information provided by John Bakken and edited by T.Sollie)

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