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    March 1, 2023

    Nemko Canada Recognized as Telecom Certification Body for Korea


    Korea-canada-meetOn 16 February, Nemko Canada in Ottawa hosted representatives from the Korean telecom authority RRA together with the relevant Canadian authorities ISED and SCC as well as representatives from Nemko Korea, to participate in final meetings for Nemko North America to be recognized as a certification body for Korea.

    Canada and Korea are signatories to the APEC TEL MRA and have both entered into Phase II activities between their respective economies.  Phase II means that certification bodies located in partner economy can be recognized to certify equipment for the other partner’s economy. 

    With the Nemko TCB being headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, ISED acted as the designating authority and RRA as the recognizing body for this activity.

    Nemko is the only independent 3rd party certification body so far recognized by the RRA for certification according to the Korean requirements. This is seen as an important addition to Nemko’s portfolio of certification services for telecom and wireless equipment, which already includes certifications for market access to USA, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, EU, UK, and Japan.​​​​​​​
    scope of recognition covers a range of different types of products that require certification or registration with Korea, including unlicensed radio products such as WiFi, RFID and many types of non-radio IT equipment.

    For further information and/or application for certification of telecom equipment, please contact

    (Article is based on text provided by Vina Kerai, edited by T.Sollie)

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