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    March 1, 2022

    Update: New Rules for Exporting to Russia - Important Information for Product Shipments

    *Note: The following posts are made before the present Ukraine-crisis with sanctions imposed on Russia by various countries/bodies, which clearly will have serious consequences for exports to Russia in general.

    New Russian rule for product shipments

    From 1 February, a new Russian rule (ref. Decision № 130) is in effect for imported products. It implies that shipments to Russia must be accompanied by copies of certificates or declarations (as applicable) which are duly attested, i.e. by stamp and signature of the manufacturer or responsible applicant.

    If and when provided to the customs by another party e.g. the local importer, this party must be authorized by the manufacturer or responsible applicant, and have available a Power of Authority to this effect.


    Replacement of cancelled certificates when needed

    For exporting electrical/electronic products to Russia, one needs a national Gost-R certificate or regional EAC certificate from an accredited certification body recognized by the authorities.


    After a change in accreditation requirements due to stricter practice regarding factory inspections, the Russian State Registry did late last year unexpectedly cancel EAC certificates issued by several Russian accredited certification bodies The certificates were issued between 2016 and 2021 and were cancelled before their stated expiration dates.


    Two of these certification bodies are CERTINFO and GAMMA-Test, which until 2018 were amongst the Russian partners used by Nemko for customers to get necessary certificates.


    Products with the cancelled certificates risk being stopped from entering Russia if not a valid Declaration of Conformity (DoC) or Certificate of Conformity (CoC) can be shown.


    Since now partnering with other local certification bodies, Nemko can assist with obtaining new CoCs or DoCs as needed to replace cancelled certificates as well as offering this service for other products exported to Russia and/or the other EurAsian EEU member countries.


    For further information and/or assistance with obtaining necessary certification for Russia or other EurAsian countries, please contact


    (Article is based on text provided by Lars Hjerpseth, edited by T.Sollie)




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