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New version of Indian testing & certification procedure for telecom equipment

Written by Nemko | May 31, 2024

In India, the telecom authority TEC has released a new version of the procedure for MTCTE (Mandatory Testing & Certification of Telecom Equipment), i.e. the procedure denoted TEC 93009: 2024. This is the 3rd version of this procedure and supersedes the 2nd version from 2021. It now includes updated information as reflected in changes announced in the MTCTE portal on TEC’s website during 2022-2023, concerning the following points:

  • Scope of certification
  • Certification schemes (GCS=General scheme vs. SCS= Simplified scheme)
  • Technical regulations
  • Schedule of Fees
  • Equipment labeling requirements
  • Renewal & Revision
  • Clarification on responsibilities of the different parties involved (OEMs/Authorized Indian representatives/Dealers/Users)

In the procedure’s Annexure B: “Associated Models and Family Definition", details are described regarding the identification of “associated models” and “family models”, and it is specified that a maximum of 9 models associated with the tested main model can be included in one certificate.

In the procedure’s Annexure C: “Schedule of Fees”, administrative fees are specified according to defined groups of equipment, i.e. Group A, B. C, D with fees varying from min. USD 120 to max. USD 600. This is only the fees payable to TEC, whereas fees for testing shall be paid separately to the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) without the involvement of the MTCTE portal.


For the time being, a relaxation is that test reports/results from any laboratory accredited by ILAC member accreditation bodies may be accepted except for those parameters that are mandatory to be tested in Indian CABs. The list of such parameters is notified from time to time on the TEC website and MTCTE Portal. The test results/test reports submitted during this relaxation period shall not be older than 2 years from the date of submission.

Nemko India can offer most of the required testing for telecom products that need certification by TEC for accessing the Indian market.
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(Article is based on the information shared by Vanessa Wen and edited by T.Sollie)