Recent announcements were issued noting a new Law of General Import and Export Taxes (LIGIE), which will come into force as early as December 28th, 2020. The tariff classification of the goods will be composed of a harmonized shipping code consisting of 8 digits (at the fraction level), plus two additional digits which make up NICO (commercial Identification Number). For more information regarding this announcement, see SNICE webpage here.
Additionally, major changes are coming to Mexican telecommunications requirements in February of 2021.
Starting February 24th, 2021, the new Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) Conformity Assessment Procedure will enter into force. Important key points to note:
Starting February 25th, 2021, a new technical standard IFT-012-2019 for SAR will take effect. Applicable to products with radio frequency transmitter or transceiver that make use of radio spectrum, This IFT requirement is also applicable to radio equipped devices that connect to a telecommunications network in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz and that are used:
Nemko USA specializes in supporting manufactures all over world with Mexico markets access solutions and has accreditation to issue of NOM certifications.
If your organization needs expert regulatory advisement on what is needed to import a product into Mexico, or any other global market, please contact Nemko USA today.