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    July 1, 2022

    New Regulation for Power Supplies in Brazil: ANATEL's Latest Update

    The Brazilian authority  ANATEL (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações) has published a new regulation Act 5159 , which applies to both wired and wireless power supplies and chargers for use with mobile phones.
    It is denoted “Technical requirements and testing procedures for conformity assessment of charger used in mobile phone” and covers requirements for both product safety and EMC. The new regulation will be effective from 26 October this year, which is 180 days after the time of publication. It will then be replacing the current regulation Act 3481.

    The new regulation does partly entail some relaxations and include amongst other the following:

    • Charges for vehicles ESD must be tested according to ISO 10605:2008, while surge and transient immunity test must be performed according to ISO 7637-2:2004.
    • For USB type built-in chargers for vehicles, ESD test reports from ILAC accredited test reports will be accepted by ANAT.
    • The use of ANATEL’s security seal (‘Mint label’) according to Act 3482 will be optional for built-in chargers for vehicles when sold along with the vehicle. But if not Mint labelled, ANATEL marking in the label will be required.
    • Safety testing is no longer required for vehicle built-in chargers.

    The official publication in Portuguese is available at this link .  

    Earlier this year, ANATEL issued also the following two new relevant regulations:

    • Act 423 which updates Act 14448 related to the technical requirements for the assessment of restricted radiation radiocommunication devices and includes new devices allowed in Brazil.
    • Act 237, which revokes Act 6506 and updates testing procedures for restricted radiation radiocommunication devices.
    For further information, please contact

     (Article is based on text available at internet, edited by T.Sollie)

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