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    September 2, 2024

    New Indonesian regulation for short range devices


    New Indonesian regulation for short range devices

    In Indonesia, a new technical standard for Short-Range Devices (SRD) has been effective from 11 August. The implementation has been long awaited because it provides more allocations for some technologies.
    SRDs typically operate on specific frequency bands commonly used in e.g. radio-controlled toys, wireless microphones, wireless headsets, automotive components, medical devices, and industrial automation systems. 
    SRD technology has revolutionized many industries, enabled seamless data exchange and enhanced operational efficiency. The new regulation shall allow Indonesia to catch up with the fast-moving development in this area, especially since the country is a significant market for SRD.The new Regulation is denoted “Decree of Minister of Communication and Information of The Republic of Indonesia Number 260 of 2024 (KEPMEN KOMINFO NO 260 TAHUN 2024)”. 
    Some of the new allocations are Ultra-Wide Band (UWB), Cordless Telephones, Wireless Power Transmission and Intelligent Transport Systems.

    The applications of SRDs referred to in this regulation include those listed below, (supplemented by allocated frequency ranges and technical parameters, as well as test methods per relevant US and European standards):

    -Bluetooth (ref. IEEE 802.15.1)
    -Near Fields Communication (NFC)
    -Radio frequency Identification (RFID)
    -Ultra-wide bands (UWB)
    -Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (ref. IEEE 802.15.4)
    -Cordless telephones
    -Wireless Power Transmission (WPT)
    -Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
    -Telecommunications tools and equipment with transmit power <10 mW

    Implementation of the new regulation has raised a question on whether test reports for SRDs based on the previous regulation from 2019 (PERDIRJEN SDPPI NO 161) are still acceptable. It is understood that ‘old’ test reports can still be submitted as basis for certification of the SRD provided they are not conflicting with the requirements in the new regulation.

    The complete new regulation in Indonesian is available at  this link.

    For further information, please contact

    (Article is based on the information provided by Vanessa Wen and edited by T.Sollie)

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