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    August 31, 2021

    New European Standards for Radio Equipment: What You Need to Know

    The European Commission has published a list of new European Harmonized Standards for radio/wireless equipment, and includes the following three newly introduced standards:

    1. EN 303 258 V1.1.1; for Wireless Industrial Applications Equipment operating in the 5725 to 5875 MHz frequency range with a power limit of 400 mW. An important standard that provides a solution for the application needs of Wireless Industrial devices which previously could not meet the EN 300 440 low power limits (25 mW).

    2. EN 303 204 V3.1.1; for Short-range Devices which operate with other short-range devices in network topologies supporting applications in the frequency range of 870-876 MHz and allows power levels up to 500 mW. The types of equipment that are within the scope, include terminal nodes, network nodes, and network access Points.
    3. EN 303 276 V1.2.1; for Maritime Broadband Radiolink equipment operating within the bands 5852 to 5872 MHz and 5880 to 5900 MHz for ships and offshore installations engaged in coordinated activities.

    Also, the following three up-issued versions of standards are cited in the new list:

             -EN 302 208 V3.3.1

             -EN 302 609 V2.2.1

             -EN 302 066 V2.2.1


    The Date of Withdrawal (DOW) for the earlier editions of these standards is 20 January 2023, after which date these editions can no longer provide ‘presumption of conformity’ with the European Radio Directive (RED).

    It should be noted that the UK designated standard list for Radio has not been revised yet, so there is presently some divergence in the radio standards list between the EU and the UK.


    For more information, please contact


    * This blog is edited by Trond Sollie



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