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New edition - mandated European standard for 2.4 GHz wireless products

Written by Trond Sollie | June 28, 2021

The standard ETSI EN 300 328 is a harmonized European standard giving access to the radio spectrum for wideband transmission systems and equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz Testing band, with wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Zigbee and Bluetooth.

Compliance with this standard gives presumption of conformity with the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

The latest published version of ETSI EN 300 328 is V2.2.2, which was released in July 2019 and was listed in EU’s Official Journal (OJ) on
6 February last year 2020.

The six months transition period for the new version ends 6.August, at which time the present version V2.1.1 will cease to provide presumption of conformity with the RED.
Therefore, manufacturers/suppliers of 2.4 GHz wireless products to the European market must
arrange for necessary testing of their products to the new requirements in version V2.2.2 and update their CE Declarations of Conformity accordingly.

Complete re-test shall not be necessary. The gap testing needed is Receiver Blocking which require a different test method than before. The frequency range has changed from 470-862MHz to 470-694 MHz with the same requirements.

For further information and/or application for necessary testing, please contact or