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    December 15, 2021

    Nemko's Collaboration with Plejd: Developing Safe Smart Lighting Systems for Your Home

    Nemko and Plejd’s collaboration brings a lighting system to market that is both smart and safe – and it shines the light on how involving Nemko early in the product development process can reduce cost and time in companies’ certification process.

    TOP 3 STRENGTHS OF NEMKO according to Babak Esfahani, CEO and Co-Founder of Plejd

    TOP 3 STRENGTHS OF NEMKO“Bringing dimmers and lighting control equipment to the market is not an easy task. The biggest challenge during the development and test phase is not really to create features or have the functions you’re looking for, but to make it work in all the different environments, it encounters. Lighting and lighting control is something that is expected never to fail,” says Gustav Josefsson, Chief Technology Officer at Plejd AB.

    For the past five years, Nemko has assisted Plejd in bringing their smart home automation system to market by providing testing services within safety, radio, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and certification of dimmers and lighting control equipment. Consequently, the products Plejd offers their customers are both technologically cutting-edge and safe and reliable, following the latest standards.

    Plejd is an innovative Swedish company that designs smart home automation systems, including solutions for smart lighting that can be controlled through physical switches and the simple use of an intuitive smartphone app. In Sweden, more than 270,000 homes and businesses are equipped with Plejd, and the company is growing and reaching new markets.

    Learn more on how Nemko has assisted Plejd in bringing their lighting product to market in below video

    Early involvement saves time and money
    The value from the collaboration between Nemko and Plejd not only lies in the testing and certification services that Nemko performs on the end-product but equally in the time and money Plejd saves by involving Nemko early in the process:

    “We bring Nemko in as early as possible in our product development cycle, and the main reason for this is that we need to understand the regulatory requirements for that particular product as early as possible because making changes later is often very expensive and time-consuming,” said Babak.

    Read more: Nemko's pre-compliance services

    When Plejd contacted Nemko in 2015, they were at their early start-up phase and needed a sparring partner expert in test standards and regulations. Nemko fulfilled Plejd’s need by establishing a service agreement through which Plejd could send regulatory questions to Nemko on an ongoing basis. In addition, Nemko shared draft test plans, which provided Plejd with a time saving advantage when identifying applicable requirements for a new product.

    “Working with Nemko provides us with both the expertise of a larger testing house and the agility of a smaller company, which makes us able to get fast answers whenever we need them. This is very important for us as a start-up company growing as we need that to get products out fast,” said Babak.

    Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.




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