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April 1, 2022
India Postpones Mandatory Telecom Certification Expansion: What You Need to Know
Written by: Nemko
The Indian governmental Telecommunications Engineering Center, TEC recently announced extension of the date of implementation of the Phase IV of MTCTE (Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment), to 1 July this year, (which already applies for Phase III products)
Basically, the necessary testing must be performed by an Indian laboratory designated by TEC, but this requirement is according to the same announcement relaxed for some product categories. So, for certain Phase IV products, test reports from foreign labs can on certain conditions be used for TEC certification until 30 June this year. (which already applies for Phase III products).
The list of products involved as well as the announced extension and amendment appear from this publication: TEC announcement No. 52-2/2021-TC/TEC112.
For foreign test reports to be accepted, the laboratory must be a recognized lab of an MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) partner country or/and accredited by an ILAC member body, and also must be in a non-border country. The foreign test reports can be maximum two years old, while those from TEC designated India labs can be up to 5 years old.
Nemko India can offer most of the required testing for telecom products which need certification by TEC for accessing the Indian market. The TEC designation certificates for Nemko India can be seen here.
For assistance please contact India@nemko.com
Also, roll-out of the MTCTE Phase V is under preparation, which is proposed to include another series of products, (including e.g. servers, IP terminals and 5G user equipment, while this is still under discussion, especially whether to include servers at this time)
For further information, please contact Vanessa.Wen@nemko.com
(Article is based on text provided by Vanessa Wen, edited by T.Sollie)
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