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    June 1, 2022

    Nemko India: Exemptions from Certification Scope & Major Expansion News

    - Products exempted from certification scope due to overlap

    TECThe Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), which is a part of India Ministry of Communications, has now decided to exempt the following products from the scope of MTCTE (Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment): Mobile phones, Servers, Smart watches, Smart camera and PoS machines (Point of Sale Devices).

    These products were already under the scope pf the BIS Compulsory Registration scheme which is regulated by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) prior to being listed or considered to be listed to TEC regulation scope under the Department of Telecom (DOT).

    The exemptions on these products, most of which are widely used, will reduce the compliance burden and will enable the industry to roll out their products faster as well as reduce import delays.

    The official announcement can be seen here

    (Article is based on text provided by Vanessa Wen, edited by T.Sollie)

    India-office- Major expansion in India

    Nemko India has moved to a much larger facility in Faridabad, India (about 15 km from New Delhi). This will further consolidate Nemko’s objective to help its customers to fulfil.
    compliance requirements around the world.

    The new office has five floors, and each floor space is approximately 600 m2, which makes it nearly 2.5 times larger than the previous office and will house more than 75 employees. The new facility will provide Nemko staff with much-needed space to accommodate its
    extensive growth.
    “We are excited to relocate to our new, larger office in the IMT Faridabad,” commented Satish Sankhyan, Managing Director, Nemko India. “This move represents another significant milestone for our fast-growing company. The new office space better accommodates our growing team and enables us to hire additional talent to continue to provide industry-leading support and service to our global clients. The additional space will also help drive innovation and
    provide the opportunity for further expansion into additional markets, product lines and services.”

    Nemko India will provide testing services concerning safety, EMI/EMC wireless/RF, MTCTE, reliability, performance, environmental and energy efficiency, inspection services (NRTL, FCC) and certification services from the new facility.

    For further information, please contact.

    (Article is based on text provided by Prashant Mehrotra, edited by T.Sollie)




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