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Highlights of Annual CB Scheme Management Meeting: Key Takeaways for Industry

Written by Trond Sollie | June 28, 2021

Also, this year’s IECEE Certification Management Committee (CMC) meeting was organized as a digital meeting by the IECEE secretariat in Geneva.
CMC is the controlling board of the successful international CB Scheme, having currently 54 Member Body countries and 88 national certification bodies (NCBs) with 559 associated testing labs (CBTLs + SPTLs) worldwide, and also >2000 authorized manufacturers’ labs (CTFs).
More than 124 000 CB Test Certificates were issued last year (again up about 10% since the previous year), thus contributing more and to the world trade of safe electrical and electronic products.

This year’s meeting was attended by nearly 150 persons, representing industry as well as the NCBs and authorities from the IECEE member countries + from the IEC Central Office in Geneva, and this time many observers especially from Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa.
Mr. Morten Andersen attended as delegate for Nemko, which is proud to be amongst the leading NCBs within this important scheme. The editor of this newsletter attended as head of delegation on behalf of the Norwegian IECEE Member Body NEK and as member of an important sub-committees.

Amongst the matters on the agenda this time were:

  1. In Brazil, in Indonesia and in India, there are current regulations and/or ongoing changes which are conflicting with the basic CB scheme rules about recognition of CB test Certificates for national certification.
  2. Update on Brexit regarding conformity assessment marking UKCA for Great Britain and UKNI for Northern Ireland.
  3. Task Force to reveal Member Body countries where recognition of CB Test Certificates is not satisfactory.
  4. Possible intro of partial CB certification for certain types of equipment.
  5. Survey planned to log interest for radio/wireless aspects to be included in the CB scheme.
  6. Norwegian proposal to adopt the European standard ETSI 303 645 for cyber security of IoT to be out for vote.
  7. Mr.Toshiyuki Kajiya (Japan) appointed as CMC vice chairman, to support Mr.Steve Margis (USA) who was last year elected as CMC chairman from 2022, (succeeding Mr.Wolfgang Niedziella (Germany), who instead will be the new president of the European standards body CENELEC).

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