Global Market Access: Nemko Group AS Testing Services

Extended Deadline for Telecom Equipment Test Reports in India

Written by Nemko | February 2, 2025


About one year ago, some types of equipment under the MTCTE scheme in India for Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment were granted a 3 months extension until 31 March last year as the last date for accepting test reports from laboratories in countries sharing border with India, provided that the laboratories are accredited by signatories of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

According to a recent Notification (No.5-2/2024-TC/TEC) dated 1 January this year from the TEC, the timeline for acceptance of ILAC test reports from non-border sharing countries are is set to 30 June this year for the technical parameters of the following products:

  1. Base Station for Cellular Network (up to 4G)
  2. SIM
  3. VHF UHF Radio Equipment System
  4. Base Station for Cellular Network for 5G
  5. E-band Fixed Radio Relay Systems

The applicable technical parameters for product variants and associated interfaces are included in the "Essential Requirements" which can be seen hereMTCTE Portal: TEC Online Certification Portal

The test reports issued by ILAC signatories (other than border sharing countries) should not be older than two years on the date of submission on MTCTE Portal.

For further information, please contact

(The article is based on the information provided by Vanessa Wen and edited by T.Sollie)