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    January 1, 2022

    Nemko Expands Presence in USA with Acquisition of PTI in Texas

    In order to expand the core offerings to customers in North America, Nemko has now acquired Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. (PTI) in Texas, USA. PTI’s head quarter is in Round Rock (just North of Austin) where their laboratories for product safety, reliability and hazloc/explosive atmosphere are located, and has in addition laboratories in Austin where their EMC testing facilities are located.

    With currently 22 employees, these facilities will significantly increase Nemko’s operations in Southern USA.

    PTI has >30 years of experience in various industries including IT, measurement, medical, military, aerospace, marine, and oil and gas, and has during that time had significant growth. Now, existing PTI customers will have access to expanded services beyond laboratory testing, including International Approvals, Product Certification, Management System Certification, and Cyber Security services.

    Additionally, PTI customers will have access to Nemko’s laboratories, offices and extensive partner network in Asia, North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa allowing for expanded opportunities and global market access.

    “The strategic location of Nemko PTI in the middle of the fast-growing Dallas, San Antonio and Houston triangle will open up new opportunities for growth in the region” says Ole-Martin Oien, General Manager of Nemko USA. “This acquisition enhances Nemko’s primary laboratory, certification and international approval services while significantly expanding our hazardous location and explosive atmosphere facilities”.

    Further information may be seen here or by contacting


    Trond Sollie

    For more than 30 years, Sollie has worked with conformity assessment activities in various industrial contexts, both in Norway and internationally. He has been paramount in building relationships across organisations and borders. He has also been active in the management of the international IECEE/CB scheme for many...

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