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    July 1, 2022

    EU to Introduce Common Charger for Portable Electronics by 2024

    After lengthy considerations and negotiations, the EU Parliament and Council have agreed that chargers for small and medium-sized portable electronic devices shall be harmonized by the end of 2024.

    According to a press release from the Parliament: “By the autumn of 2024, USB Type-C will become the common charging port for mobile electronic devices in the EU."

    The devices concerned include mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones and headsets, earbuds, e-readers, handheld videogame consoles and portable speakers rechargeable via a wired cable, keyboards, computer mice, and portable navigation devices.

    Laptops will be subject to this new requirement too but are given an extension of 40 months to comply. As wireless charging is becoming more widespread, provision will also be made for such chargers.

    So, consumers can in the future be able choose if they want to purchase a new device without a new charger and will be able to use one charger for multiple devices.

    Other than contributing to lower price and simplicity for the consumers, a major benefit is reduced electronic waste. It is estimated that unused chargers alone generate about 11000 tons of e-waste each year within Europe.

    After the summer, the new rule will be formally approved by the European Parliament and the European Council, and then officially published in the EU Official Journal.

    (Article is based on various sources  incl. this, edited by T.Sollie)

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