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NDRC Notice on Enhanced Energy Efficiency Standards for Key Products in China

Written by Kenny Ho | February 28, 2023


The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) recently released a notice regarding the advanced level of energy efficiency of key energy-consuming products and equipment that went into effect as of January 1, 2023. This notice seeks to improve the energy efficiency levels as an important step towards promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction throughout China’s manufacturing industry. 

As the country moves towards carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutralization in future years, the committee hopes that these guidelines will urge producers to improve their manufacturing processes and end products, help users to eliminate outdated equipment, and promote increased consumption of green products moving forward. 


These products include, but are not limited to: 

  • Air conditioning devices
  • Hot water pumps
  • Refrigerators and other major appliances
  • Washer machines
  • LED lamps
  • Air purifiers
  • Other energy-consuming products and equipment

This new classification scheme requires that all manufacturers produce products that fall within reasonably defined energy efficiency levels. 

According to the current mandatory national standards, all energy-consuming products and equipment must be classified as one of the three grade levels: access level, energy saving level, and the advanced level. 

  • The access level is the minimum energy efficiency level threshold for relevant products and equipment to enter the Chinese market - its value is consistent with the limit value of current energy efficiency standards for similar products.
  • The energy saving level is in line with energy saving and reduction levels.
  • The advanced level is the highest level of energy efficiency currently. 

These standards may be adjusted as China’s energy conservation and carbon reduction work continues in future years. 

China Promotes High Energy Efficiency Products & Equipment

In order to establish a unified green product labeling, certification, and acceptance system, the manufacturing industry should implement green guidelines, strengthen energy efficiency constraints in the procurement process, and reward consumers for making green purchases. These efforts will accelerate the elimination of outdated products and equipment, and promote upgraded products across all related industries. 

Understanding this Updated Classification Scheme

Manufacturers and importers of qualifying equipment must identify what changes in these testing standards will apply to their process and identify what class their product is expected to meet under this updated scheme. If the product has not been improved to meet these new efficiency standards and only meets the lowest grade (access level), it will not be able to compete in the market and will likely lose to more energy-efficient competition. 

How Nemko Can Help

With an expert team conveniently located in China, Nemko can help your organization to understand these new energy efficiency standards and comply with updated testing requirements. Nemko has built long-standing relationships with the local labs and certification bodies, and can arrange for the subcontract testing by an authorized laboratory.

Contact us to get started, today.