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    September 2, 2024

    Changes to the regulations for telecom devices in Oman



    The Sultanate of Oman is located at the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. The country has presently a population of about 5 million, with Muscat being the capital and the largest city.
    The Oman Telecommunication Regulatory Agency (TRA) has just published an Amendment to the Type Approval Regulations for Telecommunications Devices which was made effective from 16 August. 
    It entails significant changes to the previous regulations, including the following:
    •    The Type Approval Certificates will now have a fixed validity of four years, replacing the previous indefinite validity. Certificates issued before the amendment are also subject to this validity period *). 

    •    Approved devices must carry a type of approval label, which includes specific details such as the TRA logo, approval number, and, where applicable, a QR code. Certain devices, such as those pre-installed in vehicles, are exempt from this labeling requirement.

    •    The approval process is simplified since TRF may now recognize certificates from other countries that comply with the same standards.

    •    The requirement to obtain a Customs Release Permit for each shipment remains mandatory, even after obtaining a Type Approval Certificate.

    *) As the certificate is valid for four years from the date of issuance, certificates issued more than four years ago, i.e. in 2020 or earlier, will need to undergo the renewal process promptly in order to remain valid.

    For further information or assistance with ensuring valid certificates, please contact 


    (Article is based on the notification from CERTA Global Consulting (in Tunisia) and edited by T.Sollie)

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