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Brazil ANATEL Regulation Update: Ato Nº. 7280 Telecommunication Device Requirements

Written by Nancy Tran | January 7, 2021

The Brazilian National Telecommunication Agency ANATEL has recently published a regulatory act (Ato Nº. 7280), which entails major changes to the type approval requirements for telecommunication devices in Brazil.

Ato Nº 7280 comes into force on June 1, 2021 and replaces Ato Nº 2222 of April 20, 2020. It updates the ‘Reference List of Products for Telecommunications’, primarily concerning the following:

  • CAT I products (i.e. ONTs, WWAN devices, Mobile phones, batteries and chargers for mobile phones, IP phones, etc.) that previously required a certification renewal every year, will now require renewal every 2 years.
  • CAT III products (i.e. OLT, Data Network Equipment (Switch) installed in corporative/industrial environment, Multiplexer, etc.) that were previously not required to comply with certification renewals, will now require renewal every 3 years.
  • ISO 9001:2015 certificate will now be mandatory for all RF devices, regardless of the number of factories.
  • ANATEL will accept test reports from foreign ILAC member body accredited test laboratories for certain products including digital switching centers, radar, satellite mobile phones, satellite earth stations and satellite mobile transceivers, various optical communications products, data communications equipment used in non-user environments and digital multiplexing equipment.

The full text of the Ato nº 7280 may be seen here

Nemko has expertise in providing full compliance solutions that assist manufacturers entering the Brazilian market, and beyond.

If your organization needs expert regulatory advisement on what is needed to import a product into Brazil, or any other global market, please contact Nemko USA today.