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ANATEL Extends Simplified Certification Renewal Until December 31 Due to COVID-19

Written by Tom Tidwell | July 30, 2021

Due to the Corona virus situation, Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) did last year implement some temporary simplifications of their homologation certification renewal process. This year, the time limit was initially extended to 30 June, while in view of the continued state of public health concern about the Corona situation in Brazil, ANATEL has now by its Official Letter 65/2021 / ORCN / SOR-ANATEL further extended the term until 31 December this year.

However, the simplifications apply only to existing ANATEL homologation certificates that are in the process of being renewed.  Renewals are still required before the expiration date shown on the certificate when it was originally issued. This temporary change in policy only represents a relaxation of the original requirements. 

ANATEL is responsible for approving products used in telecommunications to meet quality and safety standards and regulated technical functionality. Nearly any product that transmits radio frequency or is connected to the public telephone network and phones using lithium batteries must be approved by this agency.

According to their regulation (per Resolution No. 242/2000), the issuance of the homologation document is a mandatory prerequisite for the commercialization and use of telecommunication products throughout Brazil.

It entails a specific Certificate of Conformity to be issued by a Designated Certification Body (OCD) created by ANATEL itself.

Nemko can with support of local partners assist customers with the necessary testing and certification of their telecom products for market access in Brazil.

For further information and/or assistance, please contact